
Play HyperBowling at the Netherlands’ fattest bowling alley at Zep Middelburg leisure park.

HyperBowling is bowling squared away. You aim for the 10 pins and the luminous targets along the course on our (eight) lanes. Not just your score, the fun doubles. More action, more opportunities, more fun.

Hyperbowling. Bowling Next Level.

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How does Hyperbowling work?

  1. Each player takes turns throwing one ball.
  2. Aim at the pins via the coloured targets.
  3. Each pin flipped = 100 points.
  4. Each target yields a multiplier, your scores run high!
  5. Challenge completed? Go straight to the next level.
  6. Red target hit? Ai, 0 points.
  7. Don’t throw too hard or too soft, because even then you will score 0 points